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--- Montauk NY 11954 ---

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Gosman's Inlet Cafe - Montauk Harbor - Montauk, NY - 631-668-2549

Recreation / Picnic Areas

Hither Hills State Park

Located at the western border of Montauk, on miles and miles of uninterrupted white sandy beach perfect for sun bathing and swimming, the park offers Montauk's only public campgrounds which allow tent camping as well as RV camping. A small convenience store with the basic necessities is opened during the summer season. The park has beautiful picnic areas in green rolling hills and well marked hiking & biking trails through hundreds of acres of woodlands. Lifeguards on duty during summer season. Restrooms with showers. Open: 8am-4pm Daily
Location:  Old Montauk Hwy. - Montauk, NY
Phone: 631-668-2554

Montauk Point State Park

Ample parking with observation areas, picnic areas, playground, public restrooms. Just a short walk to miles of unspoiled coastline ideally suited to hiking & surf-casting (with special permit). Acres of dense wilderness teaming with wildlife waiting to be explored. The area has many hiking trails and terrific overlooks and vantage points for looking out over the Atlantic Ocean and Block Island Sound. NEW restrooms and playground recently constructed. Hint: Always check yourself for ticks after hiking. Fisherman can stay overnight in lower parking lot with permit. Contact park office for permit details.
Location:  Monatuk Hwy. - Montauk, NY
Phone: 631-668-3245

Camp Hero State Park

Located in the area formerly occupied by the US Air Force Base and "Camp Hero" Army base this park has more than just picnic areas, hiking and biking trails. The entrance leads to a large parking area at the top of one of the highest "bluffs" (cliffs) in Montauk where you can see all the way to Block Island on a clear day. There is a road that leads west from the entrance, through the park to several picnic areas and areas where you can park while hiking or biking ride through some of the most scenic trails in Montauk. You can get up close to the Montauk Radar Tower and the amazingly enourmous buried gun batteries left behind from WWII (which you don't even know are there until you are almost on top of them, these "bunkers" are rumored to extend down many levels below ground, where weird mind control and time-travel experimetns are conducted by secret governments, all commonly reffered to as The Montauk Project... when you see these incredible structures you begin to understand why there are so many strange stories surrounding this area). Fee in season. No camping.
Location:  Route 27 - Montauk, NY
Phone: 631-668-3781

Theodore Roosevelt County Park

The site of the oldest working cattle ranch in the US, this is the area where Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders came to recuperate after the battle of San Juan Hill. The parks boundaries extend all the way to the north shore from Oyster Pond, around Shagwong Point to Gin Beach by the entrance to Montauk Harbor Inlet. The county park beach is a favorite among surfcasters, who routinely patrol the shoreline between the inlet and Shagwong Point looking for Striped Bass and Bluefish. RV camping is allowed by permit only. Contact park office for details.
Location:  Monatuk Hwy. - Montauk, NY

Kirk Park

A beautiful small park with lots of native foliage & an open green with picnic tables. This is also the site of "the Pavilion", a small platform that extends out into Fort Pond. This place is as popular for ice skating in the middle of the winter when the pond freezes as it is in the summer to relaxed tourists looking for the perfect spot for a quiet picnic..
Location:  Monatuk Hwy. - Montauk, NY

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